Mining, Energy, Infrastructure & Property Expertise
As an international service provider to the minerals and infrastructure sector, TacminMadini Australia has a strong commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. We have worked with customers in various developing countries, where we have gained valuable insights into the local context and challenges. We leverage this knowledge to support local contractors, who are essential partners in delivering successful projects. By supporting local contractors, we not only ensure high-quality services, but also contribute to the economic and social development of the communities we operate in. Here are some of the ways we support local contractors:
We support nationals to deliver best-in-class
We recognise the potential of local talent and help them reach their full potential. We work closely with local contractors, providing them with guidance, feedback and resources. We also adopt an EPC project delivery model, which allows us to align our objectives and collaborate effectively with our local partners. Our EPC model is a powerful tool to help you achieve your nationalisation goals.
We provide training & compliance management solutions
We believe that training is key to building capacity and ensuring quality. We offer comprehensive training programs that cover a wide range of topics, from technical skills to compliance management. These programs are tailored to the needs and capabilities of local contractors, and aim to equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to meet international standards and deliver high-quality services.
We support business development
We understand that technical skills alone are not enough for local businesses to succeed - they also need a strong business foundation. That’s why we offer business development support, helping local startups overcome the challenges of starting and growing a business. We provide advice, mentoring, networking and funding opportunities, helping local businesses become more competitive and sustainable.
For more details on our commitment to sustainabilty visit our website.
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Sarel Blaauw
senior partner
+61 498 785 165